291 Main StreetPhone: (973) 467-0608
email: mcrocker@markcrocker.com
web: http://www.markcrocker.com/~mcrocker/
To Whom it may concern:
I am currently doing contract software engineering via Data Representations. I also do contract work on my own. Feel free to contact me to discuss potential contract ideas.
At Data Representations, after contributing to the existing product line, I made a proposal to expand into the, then, nearly empty, J2EE space. My proposal was accepted, and I was subsequently chosen to lead the Simplicity Enterprise project. The project managed to leverage the existing client side technology and add a completely new framework that included a new design metaphor, an expandable module API and a highly embedded Servlet Container. The design was so successful, that part of it ended up being the basis for the Simplicity for Mobile Devices product too.
Heading up the Simplicity Enterprise development project took me through almost all of the Java landscape. As well as working with Web Applications (Servlets, JDBC, templating engines etc...), which were the end product of Simplicity Enterprise, I did a considerable amount of client side work for the developer interface. In addition, the demands of working with Execution-On-The-Fly™ technology required more advanced knowledge of issues like multiple ClassLoaders and Servlet Container embedding. Also, feeding this work back into the Mobile Devices product got me involved in the J2ME space and Byte Code Engineering. Although not in the current product my research into future directions for Simplicity Enterprise also exposed me to several different application servers, including JBoss, BEA Weblogic and HPAS, as well as provided experience with Servlet-EJB interactions, JNDI, and several different JMS products and Message Driven EJB's. More Recent work includes a legacy rejuvenation platform and a pure Java preverifier, known as the Purifier.
I am always interested in hearing about new business opportunities and hope to hear from you soon.
Mark Crocker