This page is primarily here to boost my resume, so please try to ignore the self promoting feel to the page.
The Purifier is a pure Java J2ME minimal preverifier. See my Purifier web page for more deatils of this new project.
PIMento is a Personal Information Manager based on the Naked Objects framework. See my PIMento web page for more deatils of this new project.
The Qoder is a barcode scanner that is small enough to put on your key chain. Unfortunately, the software that comes with it is Windows only... an all too common occurrence these days. I did some working on hacking the Qoder to figure out how it works so it could be ported to other Platforms. See my Hacking the Qoder page for more details.
I don't normally do computer games, but this is a demo for my girlfriend, Nancy, so she can see an example of a game that I wanted to show her.
There are all sorts of different variations. Here are the web pages for the applet versions of these different versions:
This is a small Java application that allows an older news client that can't understand the newer authenticated web server protocols to connect to the server anyway. At the moment, I only have source code available.
This is another small Java application that allows you to connect through a firewall or just re-direct a TCP port to another machine. Other words for it are gateway or tunnel. Again, I only have source code available.
This is a core one-way relay class that is used by both the Relay Daemon and the Authenticated News Gateway above. Once Again, I only have source code available.
This is just the applet I made as a part of the IBM online Java Applet class I took. Full details are available on my Panorama Applet web page.
In an effort to learn more about applet image manipulation, I started reading Internet Game Programming with Java in 21 Days. Although it wasn't up to the level of the other Java programming books I've read (at least the free version wasn't), it was good enough to learn some basics so that I could build my HappyFace Applet. It's just something I keep playing around with, so it's really messy and I haven't got any source code available or Javadocs.
As a part of a recruiting effort, the folks at ThoughtWorks asked me to write a program for their review. I chose the one that was supposed to calculate the number of days between two dates (exclusive). The catch was that it had to be done without using any of the extended date calculation capabilities of Java. There was a time limit, so it never got to the point that I would have liked it to get to, but if you're interested in what I got done, the result is available from: Dates Documentation and, com.markcrocker.thoughtworks.jar. My programming skills have improved significantly since I wrote this test
Although not completely documented, here is an example of some JavaScript code that conditionally prevents form field focus on certain elements: Illegal Form Fields example.
I'm not trying to show off... this section is here for the benefit of the readers of my resume, which has a link to this page.
GNU Barcode 0.95 doesn't compile out of the box for OS/2, but with a little hacking, I made it work. The results can be downloaded from:
I submitted a few fixes to Majordomo to make it work on OS/2. Others have done more to port earlier versions, but more recent versions were already closer to working than the earlier versions. I just added a few bug fixes that the authors incorporated. Nothing much, not even worth a mention on their home page.
Again, I added a few minor fixes to help port this to OS/2, but this time I got a mention on the platforms page. However, they've moved on to a new version of the software since my updates, so it doesn't work under OS/2 any more. Unfortunately, my Newton has died, so this has put me way behind on the port.
I have a few fixes for this that I'm working on, but I haven't submitted them yet and there's been a new version since my planned fixes, so they may already be moot.